29.05.2024 Abbas Hashemite

The news of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a plane crash took the world by surprise. The late Iranian President Raisi was playing a pivotal role in the rapidly changing world order. Iran’s relations with its neighbors were improving under his leadership. The progress and centrality that Iran gained in the emerging multipolar world due to his leadership made him, added to his popularity within his country and around the world…

21.05.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

Today has been declared the first of five national days of mourning in Iran following the tragic and fatal crash of a helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Friday prayers leader of Tebriz Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Al-e-Hashem, the Governor of East Azerbaijan Malek Rahmati and other security and crew members…

09.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Nowadays, as Iran is in a new phase of complete liberation from U.S.-Israeli arbitrariness and Iranians have responded honorably to those countries’ military forays, many recall the results of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. That event gave a strong impetus to the spiritual, political and economic upswing of the republic, enabling it to rise to the rank of one of the most advanced economies in the region and to engage in dialogue on an equal footing with the United States and Israel, as well as with other world powers…

04.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Iran’s first direct successful attack on Israel for its many brutal attacks on Syria, Lebanon, Iran and the annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank has dramatically changed the rules for all state and non-state actors in the Middle East. On 13 April, for the first time in nearly 190 days, Palestinians in Gaza were able to sleep without fear of Israel’s constant aerial presence in the skies over the Strip, which has been mercilessly carpet-bombed since 7 October…

25.04.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

Today, everyone is waiting for high-profile events in the Middle East related to the unprecedented confrontation between Israel and Iran. The primary source of the conflict, Gaza, and its offshoots, the Houthis in the Red Sea and the collapse of global shipping, have been pushed into the background. On closer inspection, Iran and Israel have more in common than they do differences. Both are regional outsiders, both are sectarian and ethnic. Both Tel Aviv and Tehran have built their national strategies on the contradictions of their neighbours and on hidden reserves…

21.04.2024 Veniamin Popov

The dates of 7 October 2023 and 13 April 2024 will go down in the history of the Middle East as milestones that defined a new balance of power. The myth of Israel’s military superiority and the invincibility of its army will be gone forever. The Gaza massacre, which caused enormous loss of life and destruction, effectively isolated the Netanyahu government in the international community. Only the US and a few other Western powers provided diplomatic cover for his military provocations…

17.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

There are few rivalries in our world as powerful and dangerous as that between Israel and Iran. The recent escalation of tensions between these two regional powers – as evidenced by Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus and Iran’s retaliatory drone and rocket attacks on Israel – has raised serious global concerns. Many around the world noted Iran’s statement that its military action was in response to Israeli aggression against its diplomatic facilities and that “the matter can be considered settled”. It is believed that if the flames of conflict in Gaza are allowed to continue to rage, the negative effects will spread and…

11.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel is continuing its military operations in the Gaza Strip, where the focus of a devastating war is shifting to the southern town of Rafah, threatening a massive catastrophe for the more than one million Palestinian refugees who have flocked to the borders with Egypt in the hope of humanitarian aid and rescue. Tel Aviv, represented by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the security services, has repeatedly declared the readiness of the defence forces to launch an operation. Each time, however, Israel has paused and limited itself to targeted military action in this direction.

25.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

It is no secret that the “democratic” Western media widely and unashamedly use hypocritical rhetoric and apply double standards when they report various events in countries which the United States and NATO see as adversaries. A prime example of this is their policy of Iranophobia in their coverage of Iran’s domestic and foreign policy initiatives. While these Western media platforms are eager to criticize Iran’s foreign policy aspirations, they very conveniently overlook similar…

07.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, the deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Pejman Shirmardi, rejected claims that his country’s nuclear program is not fully transparent. “From day one, we have made it clear that our nuclear activities are exclusively peaceful. Every time the IAEA has asked us for clarification, we have given them answers. Nothing has changed. Tell us what part of our nuclear program isn’t transparent, and we will prove that it is. As the leader of the Islamic Revolution once said…

21.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

In the military conflict in Gaza, where the number of casualties among Palestinians (almost 23,000 deaths) is growing due to extreme attacks of the Israeli Army, new bloody operations and new losses cease to be a surprise. The IDF is fighting not only against HAMAS, which is considered a terrorist organization in Israel. Israel denotes Iran its main military enemy, because it is Tehran that indirectly creates additional military threat for Israelis and their allies through its Shiite proxy forces, such as Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, Syrian and Iraqi militias…

28.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Following the one-day visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, a meeting of the leaders of Russia and Iran took place in Moscow on December 7, 2023. The talks between Vladimir Putin and Ebrahim Raisi lasted about 5 hours (including both in an expanded format and in private). The dynamics of regional events in the Middle East and South Caucasus require closer attention and active diplomacy from both the world’s leading players and key regional countries. Russia and Iran have accumulated considerable experience…