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America's Predictable Betrayal of the Iran Deal

America's withdrawal from the "Iran deal" doesn't prove that Iran is a threat to world peace and stability - instead - it proves that America cannot be trusted.  In a recent public statement, US President Donald Trump announced...

Tony Cartalucci

Tehran has Struck a Crushing Blow to Washington's Positions in Iraq

On October 14, Baghdad issued an ultimatum to Kurdish militant groups, particularly the Peshmerga, demanding them to abandon the province of Kirkuk. Similar demands were voiced by Iraqi political leaders immediately after...

Alexander Orlov

How Decertifying Iran Deal is Trump’s Stupidest Decision?

Although there is a long list of decisions where the US president Trump can be said to have acted rather whimsically, his decision to decertify the hard-earned Iran nuke deal certainly stands out as the stupidest decision he has...

Salman Rafi Sheikh