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"Biden's America" Will Continue Pressure on Iran

US President Donald Trump famously took a hardline approach against Iran - withdrawing the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA - or the "Nuclear Deal" - and opting instead for a policy of "maximum pressure" against Iran diplomatically and economically. But there is a major misconception that the previous administration of former...

Tony Cartalucci

Trump Threatens War with Iran in a Bid to Win the Election

While the actual arena of electoral politics is always domestic, the US has a different case where international geo-politics, too, plays a significant role to the extent that a reference to what a given president/administration is doing or has done overseas to deal with the threats to the US national security becomes the most important point...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Iran and the USA: What Happens Next?

It is now just two months until the presidential elections in the USA. Currently the verdict of the public opinion polls - which is always changing - suggests that Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, has a good chance of winning on November 3.  Those forecasts have led many politicians to speculate that the Democrat candidate may win, and that...

Viktor Mikhin