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Will Trump Destroy the Euro?

In his first few days in office as President, 'The Donald' has fired off so many Executive Orders and aggressive tweets that much of the world is dizzy. One policy that’s clearly emerging from the smoke of immigrant ban attempts...

F. William Engdahl

There is No Migrant Crisis in Europe

Yet again we are being told Europe is in the grip of a migrant crisis. The small proportion of the world's displaced persons who arrive in the EU are apparently so much of a strain on its richer members that they cannot cope with...

Seth Ferris

US-NATO War Continues to Creeps East

Despite unmaterialized hopes of a new tack for US foreign policy, it appears that each and every front of US aggression has reopened in earnest, from the Middle East vis-a-vis Iran, to the South China Sea...

Ulson Gunnar