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Is There a Way to Put an End to the Spread of Terrorism

When reports about the terrorist attack in Manchester, that claimed the lives of 22 people and left some 100 more wounded, came flooding in, people in different parts of the world started crying: "How could this happen, yet...

Veniamin Popov

Eastern Europe Tilts to OBOR and Eurasia

Small but geopolitically important steps were taken by key members of the European Union from the EU's Eastern periphery. While largely ignored in Western mainstream media and in Brussels, they...

F. William Engdahl

Manchester Arena Attack: Is it About the Time We Wise Up?

Yet another terrorist attack in Europe has unfolded, this time in Manchester. The mayhem unleashed by a single suicide bomber in the Manchester Arena on Monday night claimed the lives of 22 people, and left more than 50 injured. The frightened British...

Jean Perier