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A Greek Recovery That Cannot Come in This Climate of Chaos

Here in Greece the people on the street are fed up with politicians, all of them. A land with as much potential for growth as any, is hard pressed to maintain its dignity, culture, and sense of worth. And waiting in the wings, the same sharks that bit into Greece before...

Phil Butler

Brexit “Bunglers” Suddenly Find Out What A Good Reputation Means

So she lasted the weekend. No one knew exactly what would happen to the UK after it voted to leave the European Union, as there were promises but no plan. But what has happened, and...

Seth Ferris

Catalan Independence: Out of Madrid's Frying Pan, Into the NATO Fire?

Media on all sides surrounding the recent Catalan referendum for independence from Spain focused on Madrid's security crackdown on voters. However, what is not being mentioned about Catalonia's ongoing bid to achieve...

Tony Cartalucci