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The World Passes the US By

653242342Now that RT is no longer available on television in Philadelphia, I watch more France 24 than before, when I divided my TV-watching between those two and MSNBC. The difference in offerings never ceases to amaze me, but while ‘Putin’s bullhorn’ tended to focus on non-typical Russian…

Deena Stryker

The Mladic Case: A Stain On Civilization

The defiant words of General Mladic to the judges of the NATO controlled ad hoc war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia rang out loud and clear the day they pretended to convict him. He could have added ‘but history will absolve me” and a lot more but he was thrown out of...

Christopher Black

Britain’s PM Defends Liberal World Order

Russia must be winning big in the new economic and media war raging from west to east. The way the Queen Mother’s mouthpiece just stomped her old lady heels before the world, it warms the hearts of Putin fans around the world...

Phil Butler