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Panic of Boris Johnson in Moscow - Agony of Rotting Empire

It has been all very ugly, aggressive and often distinctly vulgar: the way the British Foreign Secretary has behaved before and during his official visit to Moscow. Mr. Johnson described Russia as “closed, nasty, militaristic and anti-democratic”...

Andre Vltchek

A Golden Era in Eurasia: What Can Americans Learn From The Yamal LNG Project?

The $27 billion Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG facility just established in Russia’s Artic Yamal Peninsula may seem like just another energy project. However, it should not be glossed over. This new LNG facility is example of how an alternative economic...

Caleb Maupin

Is It Time for a Ukraine Coup Redux? You Bet It Is

Ukraine will very soon become a no-man’s land if American influences there are allowed to continue. News the Trump administration approved the export of lethal weapons to the Kiev junta will only lead to more useless killing. The news of the decision broke as the Treasury...

Phil Butler