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Washington Seeks Ways of Bringing Some "Iraqi Freedom" to Moscow

7534342342The closer we approach the presidential election in Russia, the more hysterical the Western propaganda machine gets in a desperate bid to somehow to…

Grete Mautner

The Ghost of Mistakes Past: Islamic Jihadism and France’s Colonial Past

With Daesh militants all but defeated, another battle – one more serious as we may soon find out, has seen western capitals struggle with that very ideology they say to abhor, and yet tacitly supported, as part of their desire to quiet certain geopolitical dynamics in...

Catherine Shakdam

No One Wants To Talk About It, But Lettergate “Rumbles On”

In a previous article I suggested that we may be at the beginning of a new scandal known as "Lettergate" which could be even greater than Watergate in the US.That particular story has died down, at least for now, as nothing more...

Seth Ferris