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France Believes it's Entitiled to its Glorious Past

Whether or not one likes former Rothschild banker Emanuel Macron’s neo-liberal domestic policies — which most French find abhorrent — you have to give France’s youngest president credit for emulating Vladimir Putin’s way of all but forcing recalcitrant players to negotiate...

Deena Stryker

Will EU Block China Economic Silk Road?

In the clearest sign to date, EU Ambassadors to Beijing have just released a document critical of China’s vast Belt, Road Initiative or New Economic Silk Road infrastructure project. All EU ambassadors excepting Hungary signed off on the paper in…
F. William Engdahl

The Crocodile Tears of Emmanuel Macron

Which is worse, a French “monster,” and American fiend, or a Syrian one? Emmanuel Macron is a curious man. The French president just got off the phone with American President Donald Trump to voice France’s commitment to go to war in Syria over the latest provocation, the alleged...

Phil Butler