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Do Western Warmongers Want Us All Dead, or What?

For those of you who understand our world has gone nutty here’s a headline to cement your understanding. POLITICO Magazine exclaims – “The Will Die in Tallinn: Estonia Girds for War With Russia.” No, you are not dreaming, a so-called expert wrote a piece outlining the tiny Baltic...

Phil Butler

How Incompetent can a Modern Abettor State Grow?

Over the last couple of years, London’s relentless determination to lecture each and every one from the so-called moral high ground has started chipping away at the reputation the UK once enjoyed upon the international stage...

Grete Mautner

Time to Invite Russian Diplomats Back with an Apology

On 4th of March 2018 former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were discovered on a park bench in Salisbury England in a distressed state. They were treated by passers-by, including a doctor, before being taken to Salisbury General Hospital. The hospital...

James ONeill