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Washington Has Lured EU into Anti-China Trade Front

While many in the EU breathed a sign of relief at the apparent success of the recent Washington trade tariff talks between EU Commission President Juncker and the Trump Administration, in reality it looks more as if Washington has skillfully…
F. William Engdahl

On Russians, Warmongers, Election Meddling, and Fair Play

I want to offer NEO readers a revelation today. As an American, a human being, or as a geopolitical analyst, I have no problem whatsoever with Russia meddling in the U.S. or any other elections. Even if the allegations are true, my Mamma always told me “turnabout is fair...

Phil Butler

Who is Attacking Britain with Dangerous Substances

The other day, an acid attack in the city of Worcester resulted in a three-year-old suffering serious face and hand injuries. Somehow, the May government that seems to be unable to jump off the Russophobic bandwagon didn't make an attempt to blame this attack on Moscow. Probably...

Grete Mautner