13.01.2015 Gordon Duff

Will “Paris” be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We have smoking gun evidence no one can refute that at least one aspect of the Paris terror attacks was theatrically staged. This reminds me of what a priest told me years ago, “You get caught having sex with just one...

08.01.2015 Tony Cartalucci

In an all too familiar pattern and as predicted, the shooters involved in the attack in Paris Wednesday, January 7, 2015, were French citizens, radicalized in Europe and exported to Syria to fight in NATO's proxy war against the government in Damascus, then...

21.12.2014 Christof Lehmann

On Friday, December 12, a Russian military jet has allegedly been involved in a near-mid-air- collision with a civilian airliner in Swedish airspace. Scandinavian and Russian officials have since been engaged in a barrage of claims and...

04.12.2014 Konrad Stachnio

Poland is, from a long time, being prepared for the role of cannon fodder in connection with the conflict in Ukraine. While, we have only a media hunt for those who do not believe in a general propaganda concerning Russia and Ukraine. Now, the Polish special services took matters into...

27.11.2014 Steven MacMillan

Is the Western elite’s brainchild - the European Union - disintegrating? Due to persistent economic problems, the rise of “popular resentment” across the continent, the political fallout after the illegal coup in Ukraine and...

21.11.2014 F. William Engdahl

Hungary and its populist nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban have come into the cross-hairs of Washington’s political elites. His sin? Not buckling under to the often destructive diktats of the Brussels EU Commission; attempting to define a Hungarian...

02.11.2014 Steven MacMillan

“Not since Iraq have I seen BBC News working at propaganda strength like this. So glad I’m out of there”. These are the words of the former economics editor of the BBC’s Newsnight show, Paul Mason, relating to the BBC’s coverage of the Scottish independence referendum...

25.09.2014 Seth Ferris

We live in an age of decolonisation, in which big empires have broken up and more and more independent states are coming on to the map. It might therefore seem surprising that Scotland has just voted against independence. In fact, it might just have done the opposite...

22.09.2014 Christof Lehmann

In an interview with l'Humanité.fr, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas stressed that France had become the vanguard dog of NATO, criticizing the presidencies of Sarkozy and Hollande for selling out on French sovereignty...

17.09.2014 Caleb Maupin

Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the G20’s “financial stability board,” cancelled his trip to Austria for the G20 summit. He has been joined by a number of other leading British politicians. Gordon Brown is in Scotland...