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China-Russia Rapprochement is Still Firing on all Cylinders

It's curious that references to a major Asian power can be found in Bible prophecies that foretell in Revelation 16:12 that “the kings of the east” must come. Basically, this means that China is going to play a major role in the end of time event that quite possibly will be...

Jean Perier

A Simple Translation of Anglo-European Russophobia Over Africa

The Anglo-European monopolization of Africa as a cash cow may soon be at an end. Until then, however, Africans will have to stomach the never-ending distortions of truth, on top of watching their legacy evaporate like a mirage over the sands of the Sahara. I’ve covered the disinformation...

Phil Butler

A United Europe?

A Janus specter is haunting Europe: its two thousand year ‘civilization’, and the challenge of re-imagining it. The presence, on a relatively small piece of real estate of several dozen tribes, each with their own language and successive versions of history, guaranteed that they...

Deena Stryker