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Russian Kalashnikov Reconquers the Global Arms Market

The Kalashnikov Concern is the flagship manufacturer of small arms in Russia and one of the Russian defense industry’s most important enterprises, which has had a long and successful history of exporting its products to numerous different countries for many decades. Foreigners...

Dmitry Bokarev

Latest EU-China Summits

On 9 April, the scheduled (21st EU-China Summit took place in Brussels. We would like to remind our readers, that this meeting was preceded by the visit to Europe by China’s President Xi Jinping, who most likely agreed on the programme for the upcoming summit during his negotiations with...

Vladimir Terehov

Notre Dame – Glory or Shame?

The heart of France is on fire. An inferno rocked France. Notre Dame, cultural icon of France and UNESCO declared World Heritage, was burning. The flames devastated the wooden roof and the spire. They caused, at first sight, only light damage on the 12th century cathedral’s structure and historic treasures, as most of the latter were either removed for the ongoing renovation, or were either removed...

Peter Koenig