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Goodbye Theresa May: The “Nobody” Who Led Everyone Nowhere

There was a time when few people outside the UK would have known or cared when its Prime Minister was leaving office. However the Brexit saga has ensured that everyone now knows that poor Theresa May, after three years of trying to force the UK parliament to do what she...

Seth Ferris

Greek Debt, Nazi Reparations, and a Fair Shake

With the Greek parliamentary elections only a few days away, incumbent politicians are clamoring for a foothold on victory once again. In a high profile vote recently, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the sitting parliament rekindled the old World War 2 reparations fires...

Phil Butler

Are the US and Russia Really Headed Towards a Re-set of Relations?

Some recent developments in US—Russia relations indicate that the end of Mueller inquiry and its undisputed conclusion that there was no Russian interference in the US presidential election whatsoever has led to a potential re-set in their bi-latera relations, moving from…
Salman Rafi Sheikh