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Will Joe Biden’s “Greedy Tracks” in Ukraine Derail Presidential Bid?

Americans hear a lot about the conflict in Ukraine from various sources, but most know little about what it is. For all intents and purposes, they see [at best] it as a proxy war with Russia, but that is because they don’t hear from people on the front line. However, they are likely to hear more...

Henry Kamens

Welcome to London – the Bump Capital of the Old World

Previously, we have examined in much detail the influence that the recreational use of mind-altering substances might have had on the decision making capabilities of certain British politicians. Curiously enough, both the British media personalities and politicians would no longer try to make a drug addiction they share a secret anymore...

Grete Mautner

Is it Washington's Turn to Occupy Poland?

Washington’s latest decision to deploy a reinforced contingent of military forces to Poland has been received with an outcry of disappointment by the European pro-democracy public, as it means the US is willing to roll back  obligations it assumed back in 1997 within the NATO framework, thus undermining one of...

Jean Perier