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Can Ukraine Create a Rift between Russia and Turkey

The role that Turkey keeps playing on the geopolitical stage hasn’t changed much in the last couple of centuries. Being most eastward located European state and most westward located Asian state, it remains an important bridge between the two parts of Eurasia, just like Russia. However, those powers that would aspire to reach the hegemonic status have…

Ron Henry

Opportunities for LNG Trade between Japan and Russia

Liquefied natural gas (LNG is currently the most promising type of hydrocarbon product on the market. It became popular as a cleaner alternative to traditional hydrocarbon fuels, as burning natural gas releases less pollution into the atmosphere, and it can be easily transported to any corner of the world in liquefied form, without having to lay a pipeline...

Dmitry Bokarev

Yet More Brexit Nonsense: Too Sick to GET Sick of it MORE!

According to Simon Sebag Montefiore in "The Romanovs", at least those who lived throughout the Russian Revolution period appreciated that they were living through epoch making times. Those now living through Boris Johnson's Hell for Leather Brexit will similarly be asked, "What were you doing during the indicative votes, Daddy...

Seth Ferris