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Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China

In early 2014 Washington staged a blatant coup d’etat in Ukraine breaking the historic relationship with Russia and setting the stage for the subsequent NATO demonization of Russia. The one in charge for the Obama Administration of the Ukraine coup was then-Vice President Joe Biden. Today a bizarre Democrat impeachment attempt aimed at President Donald Trump...

F. William Engdahl

NATO is “Brain Dead”

NATO’s 70th Birthday Party, in London – the Birthday of a brain-dead child! What a feat! The two-day London NATO conference just ended – and calling it a NATO “crisis” is not exaggerated. The crisis is such that President Trump canceled the Press Conference at the end of the summit, officially saying that there was enough press briefing during the conference, but rather more honestly hinting...

Peter Koenig

Russia Infrastructure Projects – A Year-End Review

It has been a rollercoaster year of US trade wars, the JCPOA dying a slow death, and the world economy sinking toward recession. The good news is my fear of a major war tipping world GNP into a deep recession did not materialize, despite triggers such as the Iranian downing of a US drone incursion. More recently we had the cruise missile and drone...

Jim Dean