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Nord Stream 2 – US Sanctions – Trump’s Economic Suicide?

Does Mr. Trump really not grasp that his sanctions left and right – and now on the Russian-German gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 – is committing economic suicide, not for himself, of course, but for the United States? He attempts to punish not only Russia, but all the corporations, construction companies, Russian, German and from everywhere...

Peter Koenig

United States Beefing Up Competitive Positions of Russian Gas

In recent decades, owing to Washington’s efforts, natural gas is becoming a fairly dangerous weapon. The United States has been especially active in its desire to dominate the European Union’s gas markets and thereby outcompete the Russian Federation in the last decades. Even in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a number...

Valery Kulikov

In the UK – Do Subjects Deserve their Rulers?

I constantly receive such letters; letters which repeat, again and again, year after year, basically the same thing: “If only we would have an opportunity to vote out our damn system!” Such letters, emails and messages keep coming to me from the United States, but also from the United Kingdom. Particularly, after certain events, like when the Western empire overthrows...

Andre Vltchek