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Brexit: UK's Paradise Lost?

By the end of this month London will be bound to formally leave the European Union, marking the beginning of a transition period. During this period all involved parties must agree on how to regulate their trade, finance and other areas of common interests, thus pre-arranging the final separation of the United Kingdom from the EU, which must conclude by December 31, 2020...

Vladimir Odintsov

World War II Victims Must Not be Forgotten

It’s hard to underestimate how the events of World War II still affect the world we live in today. Children from all over the world, especially those from Europe, learn details of this unprecedented conflict and the role their country played in it from school books, relatives and TV programs at an early age. However, it’s truly unfortunate that only a few people would ever take...

Vladimir Odintsov

Why the West Can’t Beat Putin or His Policies

Whenever there’s an examination of Russia’s resurgence in Middle Eastern and African affairs, the narrative is always about weapons, economic competition, and Cold War-era detente. Few analysts or reporters examine the non-transactional elements of the policies of Vladimir Putin. To really understand the recent successes of Mr. Putin and Russia, we...

Phil Butler