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Who Will Compensate for Stolen Secrets and How?

A scandal is unfolding in the intelligence world today, this time connected to the illegal activities of a Swiss company which used encryption technologies for a global wiretap of over a hundred nations. According to a journalistic investigation conducted by the Swiss TV program Rundschau, the German TV channel ZDF and the The...

Vladimir Platov

Where Is the Gold Rush Leading to?

Lately we have, with increasing frequency, been witness to fairly significant events. However, those involved in them usually attempt to hide what is happening behind a wall of secrecy. For instance, at the end of last year, the process of moving Polish gold reserves from Great Britain back home was completed in secret. G4S plc, a UK security services company, helped...

Vladimir Odintsov

Independence for French Workers — and the Military

In a country whose population has been famous for demonstrating at the drop of a hat, ever since Parisians assaulted the Bastille in 1789, the Yellow Vest movement launched in October 2018 has brought the population to the brink of total breakdown. While Emanuel Macron’s international image, based on his wide-ranging initiatives, grows exponentially...

Deena Stryker