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The Saudi Door to a Multi-Polar World

The recent agreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production is reported by the US media only as it affects American shale production and the price of various grades of oil on the global market, overlooking an important signal: When the country that for nearly a century has been the principle source of US oil investments joins....

Deena Stryker

Does the US Need Such a Military Complex, and does Europe Need NATO?

The role of armed forces has been the focus of a lot of literature, works of art and films in every nation. They often portray military personnel as patriots who genuinely love their compatriots and their homelands, and who serve their nations willingly and not because of benefits and privileges they receive. The Eternal Flame, impressive...

Vladimir Odintsov

As Russia Sends Aid, US and NATO Sneer and Smear

When Russian military planes and trucks arrived in Italy to provide relief for communities hit by the Covid-19 outbreak, the Italian government, elected into power by the Italian people, was thankful for the assistance offered by Moscow. Named officials within the Italian government, including the foreign minister, the minister of defense and the governor of Apulia...

Ulson Gunnar