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New “Chimera” to Target the World

Nowadays, as the attention of the global community is drawn to discussions about whether the Coronavirus is man-made or not and the potential involvement of US biolabs in its creation, it is certainly worth mentioning the latest invention: a new “mutant enzyme that breaks down plastic bottles for recycling in hours.” According to The Guardian, scientists from...

Valery Kulikov

The Blame Game but Where Does It Lead?

The world has rarely, if ever, seen anything like this Covid-19 crisis. Consequently there are few signposts for how to deal with it. But we are still human beings, and on that basis alone, there are certain things we know. Trump is dealing with it by trying to hold back money due to the WHO, which he is calling an instrument of lying and damage control...

Henry Kamens

One World Under Corona?

The American Pledge of Allegiance ends with the words: “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Two and a half centuries after its drafting, few Americans realize that it is only by working with other countries that they can maintain that aspiration. After more than fifty thousand American deaths and three million victims worldwide, I’m hoping that MSNBC’s outstanding anchor...

Deena Stryker