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American Isolation has its Roots in the European Position

The future of a US-dominated world is at an end already. This is becoming increasingly evident from the way the world, particularly the erstwhile US allies in Europe and Asia, are increasingly tilting towards China, leaving the US alone in its ‘trade Cold War’ with the latter. For this reason, the US ‘trade-war’ with China is unlikely to really become a ‘Cold War’ of the sorts the...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Putin, On Historical Revisionism And Its Dangers

Erasmus wrote in his famous work, In Praise of Folly, that ‘man’s mind is so formed that it is far more susceptible to falsehood than to truth’. He could have added that telling falsehoods is the habitual practice of cowards afraid of the power of truth; for such is the state of the world that telling people lies about the world and history to maintain...

Christopher Black

The MH17 Trial Makes a Mockery of the Western Legal System

On 17 July 2014 a Malaysian airlines flight MH17 was in transit from the Netherlands to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. On board were 196 Dutch citizens, 38 Australian citizens or residents, and a smattering of other nationalities apart from a predominantly Malaysian crew. While transiting Ukraine the plane was shot down...

James ONeill