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Who is Britain’s Main Enemy Today?

The current political elite of Britain, being in a deep existential crisis, as many media outlets are already writing about, was looking forward to the long-awaited publication of the Russian Report, the release of which was delayed by Boris Johnson for 10 months. And finally, the intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament published...

Vladimir Danilov

China - Great Britain: the End of the “Golden Era”?

The title of this article, to a certain extent answering its own question, reflects the author’s understanding of the current state of Sino-British relations which have been the focus of increased press coverage in both countries since the beginning of this year. In particular, the Chinese newspaper Global Times recently posed a similar (admittedly milder version of this...

Vladimir Terehov

US Ambassadors as Lead Performers at a Political Circus

As numerous media publications can attest, US ambassadors continue to keep everyone’s attention riveted, eliciting what is by no means the most favorable reactions from the audience. Previously, Polish media outlets had already publicized fairly harsh criticism leveled at Georgette Mosbacher, the US Ambassador to Warsaw, who uses Poland as a club with which she threatens...

Vladimir Platov