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COVID-19: A Silent End to the World As We Knew It

The news that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is against closing EU borders to halt a second deadly wave of coronavirus cases made me realize - they just don’t get is yet. Forty-five million people have been infected, and over a million have already died, and the best our leaders can come up with is guesswork and prayers. This is the feeling on the streets...

Phil Butler

Recent Speeches by Putin, Lavrov and Xi Signal Fundamental Changes in the Pipeline

Three recent speeches and interviews given by major politicians have sharpened the political debate now raging in the Western media. Ironically, none of the three speeches received significant coverage in the Western media. Ironically, despite the lack of Western media coverage, all three...

James ONeill

British PM has “Other Things On His Mind!”

In English law there is a strange and very expensive device known as the super-injunction. This goes beyond an ordinary injunction in one important respect: not only can no one discuss the issue the injuction concerns, but no one is even allowed to refer to its existence A number of prominent people (journa- lists, captains of industry have taken out these super-injunctions...

Seth Ferris