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In the Haystack of Western Narratives: There’s a Needle of Good News from Russia

Many people in the world are waking up to the false narrative of the liberal order. The hate leveled at anyone standing in the way of “progress”, the unbridled Russophobia, the vilification of Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, it’s now out of place in a pandemic stricken world. Still, the forces that have propelled our past and current destruction cry on...

Phil Butler

Britain’s Propaganda War

As the no-deal Brexit looms large, the COVID-19 pandemic in the Kingdom rages on and warnings have been issued to Britons, as reported by UK’s MailOnline, about rats potentially invading their homes this winter, the current political elites in Great Britain have seemingly chosen not to solve the nation’s pressing socioeconomic problems in order to survive but instead to continue...

Vladimir Odintsov

The Nexus: “COVID-19, Gig Economy or Expendable Employees”

For two generations society has been built of the concept of the regular wage earner. Housing, commercial development and politics have all been based on the presumption that most people will have regular jobs, bringing in regular incomes, and that they can expect this to continue until they retire. This presumption was...

Seth Ferris