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The Russian “Meridian” Makes the Eurasian Space Stronger

It is common knowledge that Russia for a long time now has been a proponent of the idea of Eurasian integration, and the project that is being implemented the most energetically on the continent is the Chinese transportation infrastructure and economic initiative dubbed One Belt, One Road (OBOR. OBOR is supposed to unite as many states as possible into a single...

Dmitry Bokarev

CSTO: Results of a Difficult Year and Upcoming Tasks

The year 2020 proved to be a challenging time for all countries of the world. The COVID-19 pandemic led to border closures, reduced production and trade, and the resulting global economic crisis. Amidst all this, political and even military crises have befallen a number of states. This article will discuss how the Collective Security Treaty Organization...

Dmitry Bokarev

Vaccine Policy Failures Exposing the Dark Side of Western Society

As evidenced by numerous articles in the world's media, the vaccination policy pursued by Western countries reveals some of the lowest aspects of Western society. These include, in particular, a lack of compassion for others, the use of the vaccine race for purely political purposes, and chasing to benefit the owners of drug companies and protect...

Vladimir Danilov