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The BRICS Games: a great showcase for emerging nations and an alternative to the Western Olympic Games

While the evidence of the overthrow of the old unipolar world order is becoming clearer from day to day, the new multipolar world order, for its part, is celebrated night and day across the entire planet-earth, except for Western minority space which, panicked by an admission of failure, delivers hybrid war to the rest of the world. The Western minority sports industry is undoubtedly at the service of this hybrid war…

Mohamed Lamine KABA

Germany at the eye of the European political storm

Because the European Parliament (EP) doesn’t make the laws that are applied in people’s daily lives, but merely makes recommendations that countries may or may not adopt, European elections don’t have the same significance as national ones. The EP elections serve above all as a barometer of political trends in each Member State. That’s why turnout is generally much lower than in national elections…

Ricardo Nuno Costa

Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine

In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev.

Brian Berletic