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Russia is Actively Working on an Alternative to the Suez Canal

For economic success, as we know, it is not enough to produce goods. It also needs to be delivered to the buyer. That's why transportation routes are becoming more and more critical every day. And why, along with the use of already well-known transport routes, China, for example, is creating its own New Silk Road, building an alternative to the Panama Canal in Nicaragua...

Valery Kulikov

The UK’s Grand Experiment, Which Cannot Succeed

When the Soviet Union was invented, the one thing its supporters and opponents agreed on was that it was a grand experiment. No such state had ever existed. Indeed it was a feature of Communist states that they tried to cut everyone off from the past – Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge displaced most of the Cambodian population, destroyed their towns and villages and moved them...

Seth Ferris

Morocco Gas Flows are Now Protected by the US Army

In June, the United States and Morocco cooperated in operation African Lion, the largest ever US military exercise conducted on Africa. Somehow, think tanks around the world did not publish analyses or complaints of American hegemony and aggression, though. Russia’s state-run RT did not launch a special series blaming America for all the problems on that continent...

Phil Butler