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The Vladimir Putin They Never See: Ordinary As You and Me

We live in a whacky world made much more zany by journalists who cook up headlines to appease their bosses, and a public numbed by information overload. This week’s case in point, all the hub-bub about Vladimir Putin going fishing in Siberia. It’s amazing, that with the world ablaze with wildfires, islands sinking into the sea, and the atmosphere becoming...

Phil Butler

Submarine Deal Triggers a Crisis in NATO

France’s decision to call back its ambassadors from the US and Australia over the latter’s decision to cancel its deal with France and buy nuclear-powered submarines from the US has triggered a crisis in NATO. French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called the turn of events a stab in the back. “We had established a trusting relationship...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Libyan Refugee Crisis Highlighted Crime Problems

Illegal migration has turned into a lucrative business a long time ago as hundreds of thousand Africans and Asians stream into Europe. For criminal networks, law enforcement agencies and even international terrorist groups it has become a bonanza to capitalize on. Shortly before his tragic death, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was warning the EU that Libya was one...

Vladimir Odintsov