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Pandemic is Still in the Limelight of International Politics

Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Niall Ferguson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, pointed out in an interview with the German publication Handelsblatt, that its economic impact is more comparable to that of a world war. This applies to both the huge financial assistance provided...

Vladimir Odintsov

Russian Coal and its Chinese Prospects

China is the world’s biggest coal consumer. About 50% of all coal burnt on our planet is burnt in China. Although China is also the world’s leading coal producer, it needs to be its main importer as well. Meanwhile China is worried by environmental issues. Chinese industry meets the needs not only of its own country, but also of all those countries that, first for the sake of cheap labor...

Petr Konovalov

Portugal Had Elections Too!

On Sunday 26th September, the same day as the German elections, Portugal held its local elections. Big deal! Half the Portuguese didn’t bother to vote, and in comparison with Germany the event aroused little international interest. Portugal isn’t a first ranking country, and most non-Portuguese speakers have forgotten its historic importance, having been the last country to lose many of its colonies. The elections...

Seth Ferris