23.05.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

As the social and economic problems of the Western countries increase, the populations of their overseas territories and the subordinate countries of the Global South with puppet regimes are increasingly arguing in favour of the struggle for autonomy. We may be on the threshold of a revival of the anti-colonial movement of the 1960s of the twentieth century…

08.05.2024 Phil Butler

The European Union is facing a severe crisis marked by unfulfilled promises of democracy, equal exchange, and shared prosperity. The situation is particularly dire for some EU nations, with Greece, according to a recent Financial Times report, on the brink of becoming the poorest member of the EU. Despite Bulgaria currently holding that position, its economic trajectory is set to overtake that of its southern neighbor…

12.04.2024 Phil Butler

Be serious now. If you woke up to Good Morning America and heard Vladimir Putin personally shot JFK with a Makarov pistol from the grassy knoll, would you be surprised? After all, Russia’s president surely rules the world already. And, he’s superhuman, too. He’s survived cancers, brain disorders, Russian uprisings and revolutions. Okay, the uprisings and revolutions were just figments of Washington’s imagination, but the other stuff is real, aren’t they? So, Putin being the cause of European corruption is no surprise…

02.04.2024 Christopher Black

This Declaration was made at the conclusion of the International Conference held in Belgrade organized by the Beograd Forum For A World Of Equals in association with other organisations, including the World Peace Council, attended by delegates, ministers, and officials from countries around the world, and headed by Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Forum and former foreign minister for Yugoslavia at the time of the NATO aggression…

02.01.2024 Aleksei Bolshakov

The term “Americanization” was first coined in Germany back in the 19th century, when American goods began to actively penetrate the German market. The German economy’s dependence on the American one goes back to the recent past, and, in particular, to the post-war years, when the American Marshall Plan allowed Western Germany to completely restore its economy, but of course not for free. It was beneficial for the United States to consolidate the capitalist order in the enfeebled country and gain full influence over it, including economic and political one. However, the United States survived both world wars relatively unscathed with minimal damage…

11.12.2023 Viktor Mikhin

According to the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), “the prospect of the EU receiving more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Egypt in the short and medium term looks unachievable due to tight gas balances and reduced imports form Israel.” Or, to put it in less academic terms, we can say that this is clearly what Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, namely that Europe, which has followed the US line and refused to buy cheap Russian gas, has caused itself and its people lasting economic, financial and political harm. Last year, for example, Egypt shipped 80 percent…

25.11.2023 Taut Bataut

Rishi Sunak’s recent policy changes and the decision to push back key climate commitments have raised serious concerns about the UK’s commitment to fighting the climate crisis. In light of this, the Just Stop Oil protests have gained prominence as they demand immediate action to address the nation’s contribution to the climate problem. Sunak’s U-turn on climate policies, including the delay in phasing out petrol and diesel cars and gas boilers, has prompted a divisive reaction from various quarters, with environmentalists and climate scientists expressing dismay while …

06.11.2023 Taut Bataut

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak came to power amidst one of the most significant periods of turmoil in British politics. The third PM within a single calendar year, Sunak ascended to the office following the resignation of Liz Truss and King Charles III’s invitation to form a government. Previously, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sunak is the first person-of-colour and of Indian origin who has been able to reach the top-most parliamentary position in the United Kingdom…

25.10.2023 Seth Ferris

There is always a conflict between high principle and pragmatism. Embracing both is probably a wise strategy—at least in theory. But you cannot have it both ways, or at least you shouldn’t! This is a lesson that the UK Minister of Defense is learning, and the hard way, as he has opened his mouth and inserted his foot. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps’ recent “suggestion” of British troops being sent to Ukraine to train the military for the first time was quickly walked back; at least, that is what is appeared to be the case when…

05.10.2023 Veniamin Popov

The current leaders of the Western European powers, acting under the guidance of Washington, for years have been going out of their way to impose new sanctions on Russia. By going into an anti-Russian frenzy, they have actually begun to harm themselves. This is best illustrated by the example of the United Kingdom and Germany. As the Saudi newspaper Arab News noted on September 13 this year, “the vast majority of people in the UK agree that the country is broken,” that it has reached a stage of decline that infects virtually every aspect of British life, from crumbling schools to a shortage of health practitioners and striking doctors and nurses…

26.09.2023 Phil Butler

The European Elites have a stunning new plan to defeat the fearsome Russian hoards marching toward Central Europe again. EU grand strategists will reinvent Adolph Hitler’s idea of Lebensraum. French Europe Minister Laurence Boone told POLITICO recently that the only way to combat Putin’s yearning for conquest is for the EU bloc to expand. No, I am not joking. According to the news, the EU is preparing for a potential wave of expansion that could expand the bloc by as many as eight new members, including Ukraine and six Balkan countries…

05.09.2023 Veniamin Popov

The issue of migration to countries on the European continent has recently become increasingly critical. Much has been said and written about this, but the issue remains unchanged: many individuals from African and Asian countries are attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea in pursuit of a better life amidst poverty, conflict, and climate change. According to Irish journalist Sally Hayden, migration and the West’s response to it is one of the defining events of our century; at this point, “it is a story of catastrophe…