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Public Opinion in the Arab World on Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine

The Center for Arab Unity Studies (CAUS) has held recently a very interesting and useful webinar on the US-led NATO-Russia confrontation in Ukraine and related international developments. Many Arab scholars, diplomats and analysts have attempted to analyze the current state of affairs in Europe and, where possible, provide some...

Viktor Mikhin

Russia’s Operation in Ukraine, a Middle Eastern Perspective

“Ukraine: the price of the American-European deception,” “A lesson for the Ukrainian people in the school of the West.” These and similar headlines have flooded the Middle Eastern media and social media in the wake of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.  One of the main topics is the reasons and background for this move and its perception in the Arab...

Yuriy Zinin

Ukrainian Refugees are Everywhere, Especially Woman and Children

The war in Ukraine has, as expected, brought yet another flow of migrants. This latest wave is being greeted with either flag-waving enthusiasm or weary resignation, but few are noticing that it adds a new dimension to the existing refugee and geopolitical situation. Most refugees come from Third World countries and live in other Third World...

Henry Kamens