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The Blowback of Washington’s Geopolitics of Containment

When President Joe Biden upgraded the US policy of containment to dual containment i.e., a simultaneous containment of Russia and China via a crisis manufactured in Europe (Ukraine) and Asia (Taiwan), little did he, or his administration, know this could mark the beginning of a process that could alter the existing world order in ways never seen before since the end...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Whose Grain Is Being Shipped From Ukraine?

A great humanitarian uproar in recent weeks demanding the safe shipping of Ukrainian grain to ease a hunger crisis in Africa and elsewhere is deceptive on many levels. Not the least is who owns the land on which the grain is grown and whether that grain is actually illegal GMO patented corn and other grains. A corrupt Zelenskyy regime has quietly made deals...

F. William Engdahl

In Addition to Gas, Drinking Water is Becoming a Strategic Resource

The sanctions war on Russia, inspired by the Russophobic policies of the United States and its allies, has plunged the world into not only economic and energy crises, but also ecological collapse. To comply with instructions from Washington to reduce Russian gas deliveries, the authorities of the Western states have considered reviving...

Vladimir Odintsov