27.06.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

The East will weigh more heavily, potentially forcing Berlin into a new Ostpolitik and a different approach to both the military conflict in Ukraine and coexistence with Russia.

22.06.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

With a discourse against immigration and war, the AfD is the big winner of the European elections in Germany, but this could turn against itself.

19.06.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

The elections on 9 June show us a new political landscape, with two anti-war formations making up almost half of the electorate in Eastern Germany…

18.06.2024 Henry Kamens

Considering the ticking nuclear clock, which currently sits at 90 seconds to midnight, in light of all the recent rhetoric and recriminations, you can only think a Mad Professor who is dead set on a Nuclear Holocaust to speed up the ticking time clock to doomsday is alive and well. That is exactly what appears to be happening in Poland, Europe and the collective West.  And to put it lightly, this is very troublesome news … and that is just for starters!

17.06.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

UK ministers instructed the country’s internal intelligence Body, MI5, to focus on Russia, China, and Iran, and not terrorists as was reported in several outlets (here). The directive suggests that terrorists will not be attacking the UK, despite being resurgent in 2024 and attacking Russia’s Crocus Mall, Iran, and Chinese citizens in Pakistan in attacks killing hundreds of civilians. Why is the UK letting down guards on terrorists and training guns on countries targeted by extremists?

16.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

According to “Le Monde”, Europe is becoming poorer compared to the United States. In the opinion of many political analysts, the European authorities have chosen the wrong course of development by completely submitting to Washington’s policy – by joining almost 20 thousand anti-Russian sanctions, they have not only failed to restrain the growth of the Russian economy, but have even done themselves considerable damage. This is particularly evident in the case of Germany…

14.06.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

Because the European Parliament (EP) doesn’t make the laws that are applied in people’s daily lives, but merely makes recommendations that countries may or may not adopt, European elections don’t have the same significance as national ones. The EP elections serve above all as a barometer of political trends in each Member State. That’s why turnout is generally much lower than in national elections…

09.06.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

At the heart of debates and state policies for decades of global governance, the migration issue tends to become more and more an instrument of proxy war, in the same way as the proliferation of Western weapons in the theater of war in Ukraine since February 24, 2022…

06.06.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

Shouldn’t this sad episode be a wake-up call for Europeans to stop importing causes and flags that aren’t ours? Officially, the Bundeswehr was in Afghanistan because “our security is also defended at the Hindu Kush”, as Defence Minister Peter Struck (SPD) justified Germany’s twenty-year military intervention in the Central Asian country in 2002…


30.05.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

Last weekend, a major event organized by the Spanish far-right party Vox took place in Madrid. The “Viva Europa 2024” convention aimed to bring together “the living forces of Europe in a historic event” just a few weeks before the European Parliament elections…

26.05.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The timing of Biden’s recent tariff hike on Chinese Electric Vehicles (EVs) imported to the US could not have been more impeccable. It was meant to send a clear message not only to the US public and manufacturers but also to US allies. Just when Xi was visiting Europe, Washington announced a 100 per cent increase in tariff on Chinese-made EVs. The cost that this increase will add to China is US$18 billion.

23.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Recently, the European Union and other Western European states have been facing a growing crisis. This state of affairs was best characterised by French President E. Macron, who in several speeches at the end of April and beginning of May stated that Europe was in mortal danger. He also stressed that “everything could fall apart very quickly”. Some Russian political analysts believe that for the past two years the economies of most European Union countries have been in a virtual standstill, especially Germany, which Bloomberg has dubbed “the sick man of Europe”…