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Why are the US and Europe Legalizing Marijuana?

Recently, there have been increasing reports in the American and Western media about the legalization of marijuana in various countries. Although using marijuana is illegal in many countries, in the US the process has been very active in recent years, giving a major boost to an entire industry. The process of drug legalization in violation of international law...

Vladimir Platov

A New System of International Relationships is Developing and it is to be Welcomed

One of the most interesting developments in recent years has been the decline in the political and economic importance of Europe. This trend can be traced back to the 1960s when the European powers were forced to give up their colonial holdings, in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This was most marked for Britain and France...

James ONeill

US Dependence on Russian Uranium and Sanctions Policies

The energy crisis, exacerbated in recent months by Washington’s anti-Russian sanctions policy, is perhaps the worst such crisis since 1973, when Arab countries imposed an oil embargo to protest Western support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War. It has affected all Western states by now. While the search for new energy sources and improvements to existing relatively...

Vladimir Danilov