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Zelenskyy visit Poland

Ukropol-Zelenskyy: The Sky is Falling—“Polish Version of Chicken Little!”

People left on the edge of society often speak truth to power, and reveal inconvenient truths. For instance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a visit to Poland on April 5, and the Polish media did their best to censor it, at least the news of it before it was to happen. Why? Was it only because they did not want people…

Henry Kamens
Ukrainian church

Stand with Ukraine and Shun God

Behind the ghastly military conflict in Ukraine a proxy war has been declared against the Russian people. And deeper still, a spiritual conflict between the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and a nationalist movement of stunning iniquity. The world has witnessed over the last year a shocking military collision between Russia and Ukraine. Yet behind the military conflict…

Phil Butler
multipolar world India-Russia relations

The West’s Denial Strategy and the Surfacing Multipolar World

In the news in the western hemisphere today, the truth is like the Holy Grail. And like the cup of Christ, it too may be lost forever. Take any information about Russia or China, for instance. Reality is now shifted not only in the halls of power in Washington, London, and Brussels, but in journalism, academia, the nonprofit sector, business…

Phil Butler