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Ukraine: A Dangerous Divide

Mission Accomplished, but this time the battle is only just beginning. The removal of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine and the running street battles in Kiev have provided a convenient distraction to the debacle in Syria and America’s continuing inability to get its actions...

Seth Ferris

Russia, Europe, and the Geopolitics of Energy

From Syria to Sochi, Poland to Pussy Riot, diplomatic and geopolitical conflicts between Russia and the West have come to dominate the headlines. However, behind these issues lies the fundamental economic competition that must...

Eric Draitser

Ukrainian Truce, Calm before the Storm

In a bid to defuse an increasingly divisive political crisis, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has agreed to hold early presidential elections and enact changes to the country’s constitution. The decision was reached after high-level talks involving opposition...

Martin Harris