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Crimean Referendum: One Law for All, Only if the West Says So!

The right of self-determination, a cardinal principle of international law binding on all countries, has been in the news again recently following the events in Crimea, where the population...

Seth Ferris

EEU Will Return Russia to Superpower Status

The presidents of Russia, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan, Vladimir Putin, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev, respectively, are planning to sign into existence the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU until the end of May. After the ratification by the national parliaments on...

Viktoria Panfilova

The End of Globalization and the Economy of the Conservative Project

Russia’s conservative project stems from a kind of historical insight which has, in my view, political and economic foundations as well. It seems that...

Alexander Salitsky