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A New Stage In The Development Of The Eastern Section Of Russian Railways

A few days ago President Vladimir Putin attended a ceremony to mark the commencement of work on the modernization of the Trans-Siberian railway where he laid a “silver spike” to a section of railway...

Konstantin Penzev

MH17 and America’s Deceitful Game

America claims “evidence is being tampered with.” Who would know better than America? After 9/11, the evidence, not just the dirt itself, enriched with uranium and plutonium, taken to a landfill, but the scant remains of the twin towers, sold to China, never...

Gordon Duff

Malasian aircraft: Another Victim of the West's Proxy War

Poor Malaysia joined the Gazans on Friday in being the sacrificial lambs in this big western geopolitical psyops we are in the middle of. The number of women and children killed on the plane could be as many as have died in Gaza, an unfortunate club to be a member...

Jim Dean