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EU Declares War on Russia…and Itself

It looks like I am never going to run out of material on the decrepit state of Western leadership. A ceasefire was finally announced today between all the Ukrainian combatants. How long it will last is anyone’s guess, but the plans include bringing in the OSCE monitors quickly...

Jim Dean

Phantom Tanks and the Desperation of Kiev

How many times have we seen this before? The President of the United States is on TV telling us horror stories. Some innocent people in some corner of the world are being crushed, he tells us. They face some monstrously evil oppressor, he says. While the United States...

Caleb Maupin

Ukrainian Weapons of Mass Destruction

In July, the Kiev-based regime deployed OTR-21 Tochka ballistic missiles also known as SS-21 “Scarabs,” against the people of eastern Ukraine. The missiles measure 6.4 meters in length and carry warheads of up to 454 kg, making them without a doubt a weapon of...

Ulson Gunnar