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Ukraine's Poroshenko Prepared for ‘Total War’?

"We are prepared for a scenario of total war…. We don't want war, we want peace and we are fighting for European values. But Russia does not respect any agreement”  "More than anything we want peace, but we must at the moment face up to the worst-case scenario." Said in an...

Konrad Stachnio

Foreign Bankers Rape Ukraine

If it were not for the fact that the lives of some 45 million people are at stake, Ukrainian national politics could be laughed off as a very sick joke. Any pretenses that the October national elections would bring a semblance of genuine democracy of the sort thousands of...

F. William Engdahl

Putin's Asian Blitz: Uzbekistan and India are Visited

While the world is increasingly polarized due to the recent West-Russia standoff, Russia seeks to establish a good footing with its traditional partners, while increasing cooperation with new ones, all while attempting to cancel out the hostile...

Viktoria Panfilova