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Yatsenyuk's Ukrainian His-Story and Merkel's Sound of Silence

During an appearance on the German State-owned TV channel ARD on January 8, 2015, Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatsenyuk interpreted the advance of Soviet troops via the German occupied Ukraine and toward the German capital Berlin in 1945 as...

Christof Lehmann

GMO: Germans Eating Healthy Again?

Today many countries are in a deep battle to decide whether to allow or prohibit Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO. In Russia the government has been in a heated debate for months over a possible ban. China has rejected US shipments of corn for containing...

F. William Engdahl

Paris Terror, the Smell of False Flag

Will “Paris” be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We have smoking gun evidence no one can refute that at least one aspect of the Paris terror attacks was theatrically staged. This reminds me of what a priest told me years ago, “You get caught having sex with just one...

Gordon Duff