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What if Putin is Telling the Truth?

On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the annexation of Crimea, the US coup d’etat in Ukraine, and the general state of relations...

F. William Engdahl

French Surveillance Law Amid Terror of Own Creation

Can a new surveillance law help stop terrorists the government is already tracking and simply choosing not to stop? France has announced that in the wake of the so-called "Charlie Hebdo Shooting," it will be passing a controversial new bill granting...

Tony Cartalucci

Why I Wept at the Russian Parade

Something extraordinary just took place in Russia and it may have moved our disturbed world one major step nearer to peace and away from a looming new world war. Of all unlikely things, what took place was a nationwide remembrance...

F. William Engdahl