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FIFA Scandal Punches Hole in Our Daily Fantasies

Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA appears to most as yet another monolithic institution constructing one of many walls of our modern, civilized world. Above questioning, it is an institution many depend on for...

Ulson Gunnar

FIFA, Blatter and Weaponized Sport

Incumbent FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter was re-elected to a fifth term in office by the 65th FIFA Congress in Zürich. Shortly before the Congress, Swiss police units cooperating with the United States' FBI launched a series of arrests of FIFA officials on...

Christof Lehmann

‘Human Rights’ and Soft Power in Russia

The news that Lyudmila Alekseyeva, head of the Russian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO the Moscow-Helsinki Group, will be returning to the Presidential Council for Human Rights, has been heralded by many in the liberal establishment in...

Eric Draitser