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Danish PM Lars Løkke-Rasmussen: Notorious Sponsor of Terrorism

The election of a Danish Venstre (liberal minority government led by PM Lars Løkke-Rasmussen is setting Denmark on a collision course with Russia; a course that promotes NATO's expansion, and the continued State / NATO...

Christof Lehmann

British Authorities Keep On Ignoring Child Abuse

Generally the United Kingdom prefers to position itself as "the most democratic country" on the international stage, while imposing its "democracy" not through political means alone, but also by the use of force in the Middle East and in other regions of the world...

Vladimir Odintsov

Billions of Dollars Laundered Through United Kingdom Banks

The UK National Crime Agency recently stated that “hundreds of billions of US dollars” are laundered through banks in the United Kingdom every year. London holds first place among...

Vladimir Platov