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The Crash, Coming into Focus, Hebdo and Much More

To understand events like the crash that killed 224 Russian citizens in Sinai, there are so many misconceptions that have to be addressed. Whatever confusion, betrayal or suffering needs to be addressed, and all three are there in spades...

Gordon Duff

Europe: Welcome to a United Police State

The next step of the change from the current European Union to what could be called a European Police State might be the infectious diseases which are coming to us from Asia and Africa. It's not just about long-extinct epidemics such as the plague...

Konrad Stachnio

Portugal, the Eurozone's Next Greece

The illusion that all is well in the Euroland following the brutal Greek austerity agreement this summer is soon to be rudely disrupted by a new Eurozone crisis, this in what was hailed as the IMF and ECB "success story"--Portugal. Very soon, perhaps in...

F. William Engdahl