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Who was Really Killing Paris, and Why?

"There are three signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust." - Muhammad. Friday the 13th in Paris is over. The body count is over 130, with more of the 99 critically...

Jim Dean

Reward $50,000,000.00 – Dead or Alive

Reactions to the Paris terror attacks have caused a staccato news blip of actions already. First, American President Barack Obama goes live a few hours after the attacks, with his tough-guy posture, proclaiming allies, allies, allegiances and liberty. And...

Phil Butler

Who Could Organize the Paris Attacks?

Now that public outcry provoked by the terrorist attacks in Paris has begun fading away, different analysts and intelligence agencies are trying to establish why France has been chosen as the target for these attacks. In a country where intelligence agencies are...

Alexander Orlov